General Education

Cannabis And Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Cannabis And Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Experiencing a catastrophic or traumatic event sometimes leads to a disabling syndrome known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Often associated with war veterans, PTSD can also be attributed to many other types of life-altering experiences that permeate our thoughts and damage our ability to cope with everyday life.

Reliving trauma can reveal itself in flashbacks, nightmares and paranoia that conventional treatments like therapy and pharmaceuticals don’t always help.

Fortunately, researchers are now looking at medical cannabis as a totally different kind of therapeutic option for PTSD.

Supporting Research

Much of the existing evidence for medical cannabis as a PTSD treatment comes from patients worldwide who’ve reported personal success.

However, a recent Washington State University study of 400 PTSD patients published in the Journal of Affective Disorders shows medical marijuana temporarily reduced the severity of recurring traumatic memories by more than 62%.

How It Works

THC and CBD – the two primary cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant – activate different endocannabinoid receptors in our bodies that lead to a variety of physical and psychological effects.

Research using brain imaging suggests that PTSD patients have an overabundance of endocannabinoid receptors, but produce a limited number of cannabinoids to bind with them. That means that supplementing the body with plant-based cannabinoids like THC and CBD could directly help by normalizing certain brain functions affected by PTSD.

Forms Of Cannabis Consumption

  • Smoking/Vaping
  • Tinctures/Oils
  • Topicals
  • Edibles Capsules

Your Next Steps

If you suffer from PTSD, discuss the medical cannabis options that could benefit you most with your Personal Service Provider. Remember to always start with small amounts to learn the strains and dosages that deliver the optimum relief. Keeping a journal of the strains you sample while noting the potency, effects and duration of relief is also advisable.*

*This treatment is not meant to or claims to be a complete cure or in lieu of medical advice or treatment.

Cannabis And Pain Relief
Cannabis And Pain Relief

Medical cannabis has been shown to improve the quality of life for people who suffer from debilitating chronic pain, or pain related to other illnesses. Using it as an alternative to traditional pain medications – including opioids – is gaining ground as research continues and positive anecdotal reports are on the rise.

Conditions And Symptoms Treated By Medical Cannabis*

  • Chronic Pain
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Nausea
  • Migraines
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • HIV/AIDS related Pain
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Sciatica
  • Seizures
  • Neuropathy
  • Cancer Care Symptom Management
  • Crohn’s Disease

Supporting Research

The Journal of the American Medical Association published a Harvard-led review of 28 research studies that showed the potential of medical marijuana to provide relief from chronic pain.

Another study from the University of Michigan appearing in the Journal of Pain showed that  64% of medical marijuana patients suffering from chronic pain achieved a better quality of life by using medical cannabis.

How It Works

THC and CBD – the two primary cannabinoids found in cannabis – activate different endocannabinoid receptors in our bodies that lead to a variety of effects.

Because THC binds to the natural cannabinoid receptors in the brain that help with pain-relief, mood and sleep, it can reduce the sensation of pain in humans.

As for CBD, researchers hypothesize that it interacts with the neurotransmitter serotonin and has beneficial neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties.

Cannabis products that combine both CBD and THC may be the most effective way to treat chronic pain since CBD appears to buffer the psychoactivity that accompanies THC highs.

Forms Of Consumption

  • Smoking/Vaping
  • Tinctures/Oils
  • Topicals
  • Edibles
  • Capsules

Your Next Steps

Discuss the medical cannabis options for your kind of pain with your Personal Service Provider. Remember to always start with small doses to learn the strains and dosages that benefit you the most. Keeping a journal of the strains you sample while noting the potency, effects and duration of relief is also advisable. **

*And qualified by a medical physician.

**This treatment is not meant to or claims to be a complete cure or in lieu of medical advice or treatment.

Cannabis And Anxiety
Cannabis And Anxiety

People with extreme anxiety feel nervous and worried most of the time – not just in stressful situations. Their worries are persistent and can interfere with many aspects of everyday life.

As more and more chronically anxious people turn to cannabis for relief, thousands of positive anecdotes are emerging. Research has been limited in this area, but some new studies show the potential of cannabis in benefiting those with acute anxiety symptoms.

Supporting Research

In 2019, a team of scientists at Washington State University conducted a breakthrough study to examine how medical cannabis combats anxiety. They investigated different strains with both THC and CBD being consumed by patients during sessions in their homes. Previous studies had only observed patients who took THC capsules in a lab setting.

What they found was fascinating:

  • Medical marijuana patients inhaling cannabis experienced a significant reduction in anxiety and depression symptoms in 89.3% of their sessions.
  • One puff of cannabis high in CBD and low in THC was optimal for reducing symptoms of depression
  • Two puffs of any cannabis was sufficient to reduce symptoms of anxiety
  • 10 or more puffs of cannabis high in CBD and THC produced the largest reductions in stress

Surprisingly, women in the study noticed greater reduction in anxiety symptoms than men.

How It Works

THC, CBD and other cannabinoids found in cannabis plants target receptors in our bodies that may help in the treatment of anxiety, stress and depression. Because THC binds to the natural cannabinoid receptors in the brain that control our moods and emotions, it can also impact the feelings of anxiety we experience.

As for CBD, researchers hypothesize that it interacts with the neurotransmitter serotonin and has beneficial neuroprotective properties that can reduce stress and anxiety responses.

Forms Of Consumption

  • Smoking/Vaping
  • Tinctures/Oils
  • Topicals
  • Edibles
  • Capsules

Your Next Steps

Discuss the medical cannabis options for anxiety with your Personal Service Provider. Remember to always start with small amounts to learn which strains and dosages benefit you the most. Keeping a journal of the strains you sample while noting the potency, effects and duration of relief is also advisable.*

*This treatment is not meant to or claims to be a complete cure or in lieu of medical advice or treatment.

What Is THC?
What Is THC?

When it comes to cannabinoids, THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is typically the one most widely known. Perhaps it’s because THC is the cannabinoid that produces the psychological effects of cannabis, or the “high.”

In our body’s complex endocannabinoid system (ECS), THC attaches to our cellular receptors and activates them. Medical marijuana studies have shown how THC can impact our memory, thought processes, concentration, pleasure, and coordination.

Dopamine And Cannabis

The euphoria associated with THC comes from dopamine, one of our brain’s neurotransmitters, that’s stimulated by this powerful medical marijuana compound. Dopamine helps to regulate our emotional responses, learning, and movement. So it’s understandable why we are affected when THC goes to work.

We can credit the discovery and isolation of THC from marijuana to Israeli researcher Raphael Mechoulam. In 1964 he experimented with Lebanese hashish to isolate THC and succeeded. His feat earned him the distinction of being called the marijuana research pioneer of modern times. Mechoulam’s breakthrough inspired further studies soon leading to the discovery of many other cannabinoids.

Psychoactive Effects Of THC In Medical Marijuana

So how does THC create the euphoria associated with the medical marijuana high? It works by binding the cannabinoid receptors in our central nervous system and brain which subsequently produces the intoxication of medical marijuana.

It’s a great idea to research new strains before trying them. You’ll also enjoy learning some science along the way. Understanding which cannabinoids and terpenes are present as you sample different strains will no doubt help you make good choices at the dispensary.

Ways To Consume THC In Medical Marijuana

  • Dried flower smoking or vaping
  • Edibles
  • Tinctures
  • Topicals
  • Concentrates
  • Suppositories

Journal Your Medical Marijuana Experiences

As you start to experiment with medical marijuana, consider keeping a journal of the products you’ve tried and how they made you feel. Maybe you tried a medical marijuana edible, or a new strain of dried flower. Note how the THC in the medical marijuana affected you since you may want to adjust the dosage in the future.

On your next Nature’s Medicines visit, be sure to talk to your Personal Service Provider about any questions you have regarding medical marijuana or THC.

What Is Self-Care?
What Is Self-Care?

The concept of “self-care” has an intimate relationship with medical marijuana.

While some may associate it with indulgent spa days or glamping in Malibu, the true essence of self-care has more to do with honoring yourself in simple ways that add new meaning to your overall outlook and wellbeing.

In other words, self-care is the fuel that allows you to use your energy to achieve your highest human potential while illuminating your mind, body and spirit. In the medical marijuana universe, self-care is finding itself front-and-center. And that makes perfect sense.

Cannabis And Physical Self-Care

With its focus on natural healthy living, medical cannabis can lead you to self discovery and a new awareness of the mind-body connection. Self-care, itself, is a self-discovery process that can be nourished by the restorative nature of medical cannabis.Through trial and error you can learn how the many different forms of marijuana can relieve pain, boost your energy, and improve your outlook on life.

Regarding physical benefits, many fitness devotees report that medical cannabis is helpful both during and after their workouts. The right sativa or CBD strain can keep you motivated and focused during your workouts. After a strenuous workout, many strains can also help ease any soreness and inflammation. Medical marijuana is used by many professional athletes for these reasons.

Cannabis For Emotional Health

Many medical marijuana patients also rely on cannabis as a component of their emotional self-care routine. When you’re having an overly stressful day, cannabis can be effective in taking the edge off your tension enabling you to relax and calmly return to your productive self.

People with mental health challenges are also finding comfort through medical marijuna. Studies are showing that medical cannabis can offer relief from anxiety, depression, addiction, and post-traumatic stress.

How Do You Get Started With Self-Care?

First, make a list of activities you already enjoy that impact your health in some way. A weekly bike ride? Walking your dog in the park? Maybe it’s planting more veggies in your garden. No matter what you’re already doing, get that list going. You may be surprised at how much self-care is already part of your life. And, if you’re a medical marijuana patient, you can add that to your self-care list as well. Great news, right?

Create A Cannabis Routine For Self-Care

A good way to implement a routine is to note your self-care plans on your calendar. Plan it out a week or two in advance. Use a different color pen so you can see it better. “If you see it, you can be it!” is a concept that plays an important role in self-care. Actively planning and writing down what you’ll be doing for yourself will give you things to look forward to in your development of a self-care routine and lifestyle. If you consume cannabis, why not jot down the medical marijuana strains that help with some of the activities on your calendar.

Learn To Say No As Part Of Self-Care

Self-care also has a lot to do with learning to say “no” to things that don’t serve you anymore. Make a list of things you do that you don’t really enjoy anymore or that you know aren’t going to improve your self-care journey. Medical cannabis may inspire you to turn your phone off and relax more. Some patients also find that marijuana encourages them to cut back on alcohol.

Diet And Self-Care

Don’t forget to eat properly. If you’re trying to improve your life and make wellness a priority, a healthy diet is going to contribute to your emotional and mental health, as well. Medical marijuana can be a part of a healthy diet if you avoid sugary treats. Infuse your own cooking oils, like olive and coconut, to use in homemade, healthy edibles.

Self-Care Helps With Sleep

Track your sleep. Lack of sleep contributes to heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. Adults need to get between seven and eight hours of sleep a night. That doesn’t make you lazy. It means you’re doing what your body needs to function efficiently. It’s possible that a pure medical marijuana indica strain or edible could help you fall asleep faster and sleep soundly through the night. In fact many patients with PTSD claim that medical marijuana helps them block out bad dreams that can disrupt their sleep patterns.

Self-Care Includes Seeing Your Doctor

Americans it seems hate going to the doctor. They go after something happens, instead of trying to prevent it. Seeing your physician annually not only keeps things in check, but also gives you validation once you implement your self-care routine. You’ll be able to actually see the results of being mindful of your health. More and more doctors are open to talking about medical marijuana with their patients. If your doctor is one of them, show him or her your self-care list on your next visit. You’d probably be educating them as you’re taking care of yourself. That’s valuable information they could use with other patients.

Hold Yourself Accountable

Self-care is for things we enjoy doing, not things we force upon ourselves. Hold yourself accountable. Give yourself small challenges to overcome if you’re overwhelmed with your self-care routine at first. Implement your medical marijuana knowledge, and observe how it illuminates your mind, body and spirit overall.

What Is The Right Cannabis For Me
What Is The Right Cannabis For Me

Flower, vapes, concentrates, topicals. With so many choices beckoning from marijuana dispensary displays, how can you make up your mind? We hope our mini guide will give you the basics for making smart decisions. 


Cannabis flower is the beautiful fruit of a harvest in its bud form. Cannabis lines the shelves of every marijuana dispensary you enter. You can roll cannabis flower into a joint, grind it into a bowl, or load it into a bong. Cannabis flower is the versatile, quintessential classic.

Cannabis flower comes in three strains: 

Sativa Strain – for an awake, creative, inspirational experience; this type of flower is good for hiking, biking, and daytime activities 

Indica Strain – for a totally relaxing, chill experience; this type of flower is good for movie watching, lounging, and evening de-stressing 

Hybrid Strain – a genetic blend for both a cerebral and body high; this type of flower is good for you-name-it

Who Is Cannabis Flower For 

Cannabis flower is for purists who appreciate cannabis in its most organic, natural form and don’t mind smoke.

Vape Pens

Vape pens are slim, portable, handheld devices that vaporize the active ingredients in cannabis. The process is based on heating dried cannabis flower, oil or, wax to just below combustion level, releasing potent, cannabinoid-filled vapor.

Who Are Vape Pens For 

Vape pens are for cannabis lovers who don’t want to inhale combusted byproducts and who enjoy discreet, on-the-go toking. 

Cannabis Edibles

Edibles are foods and beverages that are infused with cannabis. The options are mind-blowing – brownies, cookies, gummies, lollipops, caramels, hot sauce, sodas, and espressos, just to start. 

Since THC and CBD are fat soluble and can be suspended in butter and coconut oil, it’s possible to add cannabis to just about any dish or drink.

WARNING: Edibles can be very strong. We recommend that you begin very slowly, with no more than 5 to 10 milligrams, and wait up to 90 minutes to feel the effects. Never forget that an edible high will last much longer than a smoking high. So don’t be foolish and overdo it. Ingesting too much could ruin a wonderful experience.

Who Are Edibles For 

Edibles are for people with respiratory weaknesses and anyone desiring a long-lasting body high.


Topicals are cannabis-infused products that are absorbed through the skin. Topicals are available in a number of soothing forms, including creams, lotions, oils, balms, body wash, and patches. 

Who Are Topicals For 

Topicals are for people who suffer from arthritis or fibromyalgia. People with localized aches and inflammation also often find that topicals are an effective way to alleviate pain. CBD oils without psychoactive THC are preferred by people who want relief without the high. Most people choose topicals that contain both CBD and THC for comfort and a bit of a buzz. 


Sometimes described as “all-killer, no-filler,” concentrates are potent extracts made by isolating essential compounds from the cannabis plant. Concentrates come in many forms with some amusing names, such as batter, shatter, wax, sap, and nectar. Super intense, concentrates will give you a jolt with their high THC content. Concentrates are often used with vape pens and devices called dab rigs.

Who Are Concentrates For

Concentrates are for experienced cannabis lovers, people who enjoy tasting the true flavor of the plant, and those who prefer higher potency with less smoke.

All of this information may seem like a lot to digest, but no worries. The Personal Service Providers at our marijuana dispensaries love cannabis and want you to love it, too. They’re well-trained and happy to explain your options and answer your questions. 

Hint: You may want to keep notes in a journal so you’ll remember what products and strains made you feel the best. Also, it’s always fun to look back on your odyssey.

Ways To Consume Cannabis
Ways To Consume Cannabis

The days of throwing dried cannabis into a brownie mix – or pulling apart bricks of marijuana from unknown sources – are over. It’s a different world now and the medical marijuana industry is booming with new consumable products ready for you to experience.

Smoking Medical Marijuana

Everyone is familiar with smoking medical marijuana. Growing up, most of us didn’t have any other options. But smoking is more than just rolling a joint nowadays.

Marijuana Pipes

Pipes are one of the more popular methods of smoking medical marijuana. There are many different types of pipes to look for. Some are even small enough to fit in your pocket. Pipes are generally made from glass or metal, and come in many shapes, sizes, colors and styles. Artists are lending their talents to design elaborate, custom, or one-of-a-kind pieces. Often they’re small masterpieces!

Bongs For Cannabis Consumption

A bong, also called a water pipe, is another popular method for smoking medical cannabis. With the addition of water to inhalation, many believe it’s safer and easier on the lungs than smoking medical marijuana out of a pipe or in rolling paper.

Types Of Marijuana Joints

You may prefer to roll joints to smoke your medical marijuana. If that’s the case, you can buy rolling papers or cones to fill with ground flower. Most of these are made from bamboo or hemp. Blunts are also an increasingly popular way to smoke medical marijuana. A blunt is typically rolled in a cigar paper made from tobacco, so it will often contain nicotine.

Using A Hookah For Marijuana

Hookahs are another way for people to smoke medical marijuana, but some may find the taste acrid compared to bongs. Hookahs don’t use as much water as bongs causing the marijuana to burn faster than it can be inhaled. Since this tends to waste product, hookahs usually aren’t preferred as much as bongs.

Marijuana Vaporizers (Vapes)

There are also devices to vaporize medical marijuana. Vaping is a popular method for people who enjoy smoking, but want something that hits softer than a pipe or joint. Vaporizers are favorites among health-conscious cannabis consumers. Vaping temperatures are too low for potentially harmful toxins to release during combustion. What’s more, vaporizing doesn’t have as strong an odor as smoking, so that’s another benefit it offers.

Edible Medical Marijuana

Some may remember those “special brownies” from their high school days. They served a purpose, but medical cannabis edibles have evolved into healthier and more exotic alternatives. Important to note, edibles will take longer for the medical marijuana effects to set in, but the effects also last longer.

You can even make edibles yourself if you’re so inclined. For example, try infusing medical marijuana into butter or oil that you cook with. Other options on the medical market include everything from cookies to soft drinks, lollypops to peanut butter, and beyond. At Nature’s Medicines, we have a delicious variety of medical marijuana edibles to satisfy your taste buds while easing what ails you.

Cannabis Capsules

Capsules offer another method for orally consuming medical marijuana. They’re typically filled with extracted cannabis oil, but you can also put flower in them. The delivery and effects are much like edibles, but it’s easier to have an exact dose of medical marijuana in a capsule so you get more consistent results. You’ll find different kinds of capsule shells to choose from, including time-released options.

Medical Marijuana Tinctures

Tinctures are a liquid dose of medical marijuana that are easily dispensed with the help of a dropper. Tinctures are easy to dose, and take effect faster than edibles because they aren’t digested through the liver. Taken sublingually (under the tongue) the dose is usually just a few drops.

Medical Marijuana Topicals

Medical marijuana topical oils have been popular since the 1800s and vary according to your need. Topicals made with medical marijuana are non-psychoactive meaning they won’t change your behavior or perception. This makes medical marijuana oils attractive for people to use during the workday since it won’t affect their performance. Since medical marijuana is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic, it can provide pain relief when rubbed on the skin. Conditions like severe arthritis, psoriasis, and eczema show marked improvement with marijuana topicals.

Dabbing Medical Marijuana

Dabbing is one of the fastest-growing segments of consumable medical marijuana products. The concept is simple. The bowl of a water pipe attachment is heated to vaporize cannabis extracts. The heat can be adjusted according to your desired effects since different cannabinoids burn at different temperatures. Consumers enjoy dabbing because there’s no flower combustion, just vapor.

Dabbing medical marijuana is much more potent than smoking flower. Extracts can be anywhere from 60% – 90% THC. If you’re new to dabbing, start with small doses. Check out our one-of-a-kind concentrate line at select Nature’s Medicines locations.

What Is The Entourage Effect?
What Is The Entourage Effect?

Trending in marijuana circles these days are ongoing discussions about The Entourage Effect.

The concept refers to what happens when the natural cannabinoids, terpenes, fatty acids and flavonoids found in cannabis plants interact in ways we respond to — and can potentially benefit from.

According to some cannabis researchers, cannabis gets its different “personalities” from the synergistic relationships between these chemical compounds and dozens of others contained in natural cannabis plants.

A new breed of cannabis product designers believe that they can create THC vaping concentrates precisely crafted with different amounts of cannabinoids and terpenes for targeted effects. Creative science will no doubt lead the way to extraordinary methods for capturing the goodness of cannabis in all its glory!

Cannabinoids In Marijuana

The medical marijuana plant creates a variety of compounds called cannabinoids. Most are only present in cannabis, though some can be found in other plant species. Black pepper, flax, and echinacea are examples of non-cannabis plants that have cannabinoids.

So far, there have been 113 cannabinoids discovered. The most popular medical marijuana cannabinoids are THC and CBD, but there are many more including:

  • CBGA – Though not a large component of marijuana, CBGA would be considered the “Granddaddy” of the cannabinoids. It’s at the top of the chain that later develops other cannabinoids.
  • THCA – Unlike THC, THCA is a cannabinoid that is non-psychoactive. It converts to THC after harvest as it dries. A few studies have found that there may be anti-inflammatory benefits to THCA.
  • CBDA – Found in live cannabis plants, CBDA converts to CBD through heat or sunlight.

Terpenoids In Cannabis

Terpenoids are chemicals in medical marijuana that come from terpenes. They contribute to the scent of flowers and the color of vegetables. Terpenes also play a role in differentiating medical marijuana strains and their effect on your body.

One terpene, pinene, has been shown to help counteract compromised memory and cognition caused by THC. There is still research to be done, but pinene could also help patients suffering from inflammation, anxiety, and pain.

Myrcene can be found in non-medical marijuana plants, like mangoes, lemongrass, and thyme. In fact, some people like to eat mangoes to complement the effects of medical marijuana strains that are heavy in myrcene. Studies on myrcene show it could be beneficial as a sedative, antibiotic, and anti-inflammatory.

Another abundant terpene in medical marijuana is limonene. As the name suggests, this is a citrus-smelling terpene that’s also found in citrus fruits. If you’ve ever grated a lemon or orange rind for a recipe, you’ve smelled limonene. It’s been shown to help relieve anxiety and stress.

Bong vs Dab Rig: Which Is Better
Bong vs Dab Rig: Which Is Better

Admit it. What you really want to know is which one gives you the best high, a bong or a dab rig? Well, that depends. Some marijuana consumers feel that there’s not a big difference between a dab or a bong high, but most experts see it differently. 

Dabs and oil rigs are designed to work best with marijuana concentrates, such as wax, shatter, or oil. Bongs, however, are most commonly used with marijuana dry flower. Both use glass water pipes for the filtration process that turns smoke into vapor, but that’s where similarities end.

Mellow High Or Intense High From Marijuana

Of course there are many factors to consider, but when it comes to determining which is best for getting high, bong hits are generally milder than dab hits.

One obvious reason for the super strength of dab hits is that marijuana concentrates are already more potent than the marijuana flower that you’d use in a bong. In general, the potency of oils and wax could be up to 85% while flower usually hovers around 15%.

The Coughing Factor

When it comes to smoother marijuana hits, some people say they cough less with dab rigs than with bongs. It’s probably safe to say, though, that coughing can happen with either method.  But coughing while smoking a bong is usually deeper and more abrasive. For those who prefer more flavor and smoother hits, dabbing is the better choice. Likewise if you have sensitive lungs, dabbing is your best bet.

Ease Of Use Of Bongs And Dab Rigs

Functionally speaking, one of the main differences between bongs and dab rigs has to do with the complexity of design. Bowls on bongs are packed with dry herb and lit with any kind of lighter. Dab rigs, however, are more intricate and use a “nail” instead of a bowl. The nail is found on the part of the dab rig called the glass joint. When you heat the nail using a hand torch and then place oil or wax on top, the concentrate is vaporized before you inhale it. 

Safety First

Now let’s talk safety. Don’t try to make a homemade dab rig. A bonafide, well-designed dab rig is your best choice. It’s worth it to invest in a reliably made dag rig with the right kind of nail. Look for one that will preserve heat sufficiently to produce a lot of vapor. But be sure the nail doesn’t get so hot that the concentrate will combust. If that happens you’ll end up inhaling more smoke than vapor and losing the beneficial components of the marijuana.

To get the most from a dabbing experience, make sure that you only use marijuana products with clean lab tests. And of course know your limits. If you’re new to dabbing, start small and very gradually work up from there. Keep in mind that as a new dabber you should be getting around 40 dabs from a gram of oil.

To Splurge or Not to Splurge

When it comes to cost, dab rigs will most often be more expensive than glass bongs due to the nail. Nails can be made with different materials, and some, such as titanium, can be quite pricey. In the end, when considering bongs and dab rigs, the most important factor in reaching your decision is a matter of your own personal preferences. Maybe you’d like to own both and alternate between the two for your marijuana consumption!

10 Fascinating Facts About Recreational Marijuana
10 Fascinating Facts About Recreational Marijuana

Maybe you consider yourself the sultan or sultana of marijuana lore. Even if you are, it’s likely you’ll learn something new from what you’re about to read about cannabis. 

Marijuana In Ancient Greece

Born in ancient Greece around 443 BC, Herodotus is considered the Father of History. In his writings, he described how the Scythians – Iranian nomads in Central Asia – inhaled the smoke from cannabis flowers and seeds to get high.

Hashish In Asia And The Middle East

Around 800 AD, hashish (a form of purified cannabis smoked in a pipe) was used throughout parts of Asia and the Middle East. The wide popularity of hashish is thought to have corresponded with the rise of Islam in that part of the world. While the Koran forbade indulgence in alcohol, it didn’t specifically prohibit the use of cannabis. 

Hashish Comes To France

In 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Egypt, where French soldiers acquired a taste for hashish. The use of hash subsequently spread throughout France and into neighboring countries in the early 19th century.

Le Club Des Hachichins

The infamous Le Club des Hachichins opened in Paris in 1843. Victor Hugo, Charles Baudelaire, and Alexandre Dumas were among its members. Monthly seances were held, during which hash was consumed and members discussed their transcendental experiences.  

Marijuana Comes To The United States

In the United States, recreational cannabis wasn’t widely used until the early 1900s, when immigrants fleeing the Mexican Revolution introduced marijuana to the American culture.

The Hippie Movement and the 1960s

The Hippie Movement of the late 60s challenged authority and mainstream American values. Smoking marijuana became symbolic of people’s resistance to war, violence, and corporate greed. 

High Times Magazine

High Times magazine was founded in 1974 by Tom Forcade, a cannabis activist and the father of marijuana journalism. High Times quickly became the go-to source for all things marijuana. The publication played a major role in fueling the cannabis lifestyle and promoting stoner music, art, literature, politics and entertainment. 

Recreational Marijuana In The Netherlands

In the Netherlands, marijuana has been available for recreational use in “coffee shops” since 1976. These colorful spots are especially prevalent in Amsterdam and continue to lure international tourists wanting to experience a true cannabis high. While “wiet” isn’t legal in The Netherlands, it’s tolerated, and possession of up to five grams for personal use is decriminalized.

Recreational Marijuana In Canada

On October 17, 2018, Canada fully legalized recreational marijuana. Growers can get licenses via the federal government. Provinces individually decide how marijuana gets distributed and sold.

Recreational Marijuana In The United States

As of July 2021, seventeen states – plus The District of Columbia and Guam – have  legalized recreational marijuana: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, South Dakota, Vermont, Virginia and Washington. 

What Is Cannabis?
What Is Cannabis?

Cannabis, also known as marijuana, is a psychoactive drug derived from a plant of the same name. It has three known species: Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis. It’s widely believed to have originated in Central and South Asia. Some evidence suggests the earliest cannabis plants were discovered as long ago as 3,000 years B.C.

Cannabis is composed of many cannabinoids, including THC, the most familiar. THC is the psychoactive cannabinoid; in other words, it’s the one that “gets you high.”

CBD is another popular cannabinoid. Cannabinoids are the compounds that act on your cannabinoid receptors which we call the endocannabinoid system.

Methods Of Consuming Medical Marijuana

There are a number of methods for using medical marijuana, which include:

  • Smoking medical marijuana
  • Eating medical marijuana (edibles)
  • Vaping medical marijuana (flower or concentrates)
  • Medical marijuana tinctures
  • Medical marijuana topicals

The delivery time of each method varies. Smoking is the fastest, while edibles take the longest to bring on effects. Also important to note is that the effects of medical marijuana edibles are known to last longer than smoking cannabis.

Cannabis And Health

Cannabis can affect you both mentally and physically. In fact, the modern medical marijuana industry got its start during the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s and 1990s when patients discovered that cannabis gave them relief from a number of debilitating symptoms. Patients with chronic pain are finding cannabis helpful in relieving their inflammation and easing their discomfort. Australia is currently researching the use of cannabis in helping epilepsy patients.

Cannabis And Spirituality

Spiritually, medical marijuna has inspired many cultures around the world. The Rastafarians in Jamaica, for instance, believe marijuana was used as a sacrament by Moses and the Israelites citing biblical passages as evidence. In Judaism, some scholars believe that cannabis was referenced in the Old Testament. Then, too, there are some Hindu sects that believe cannabis is one of the five sacred plants given to them by Shiva to purify amrita – the elixir of life. If you’ve ever heard of “bhang,” you probably know that it’s a popular cannabis drink consumed during Hindu holidays.

Cannabis continues to rise in acceptance throughout the world. Countries like Canada have fully legalized it and many more have decriminalized its use. In Argentina, medical marijuana is free. In the United States, 33 states have approved it, while 24 have either decriminalized possession or made it fully legal and recreational.

Questions about medical marijuana and how it could benefit you? You’ll find the answers you need by talking to our staff on your next visit to your nearest Nature’s Medicines medical marijuana dispensary.

Conditions Cannabis May Help With
Conditions Cannabis May Help With

With medical marijuana still considered a Schedule I drug by the federal government, states have to piece together their own medical and adult-use cannabis programs. Because of that, qualifying medical conditions differ widely from state to state.

Thanks to analysis of medical marijuana state registry data, there’s conclusive evidence that chronic pain is — across the board — the most common condition shared by medical marijuana patients. Chronic pain affects 100 million Americans and is often a symptom related to cancer, multiple sclerosis and neuropathy.

Examples of some medical marijuana conditions approved by a majority of states include:

  • Cancer
  • Glaucoma
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
  • Agitation of Alzheimer’s disease
  • Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
  • Hepatitis C
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease)
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • A chronic or debilitating disease or medical condition or the treatment for a chronic or debilitating disease or medical condition that causes:
    • Severe or persistent muscle spasms, including those characteristic of
    • multiple sclerosis
    • Severe nausea (such as with cancer and AIDS)
    • Cachexia or wasting syndrome
    • Severe and chronic pain
    • Severe nausea
    • Seizures, including those characteristic of epilepsy

Alzheimer’s And Medical Marijuana

Research shows that “microdoses” of medical marijuana can slow the production of beta-amyloid proteins – the key contributors to the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. THC in medical marijuana has also been found to reduce the amount of beta amyloid in the brain.

Medical Marijuana For Cancer

Cannabis serves as a valuable appetite stimulant that helps cancer patients control nausea and vomiting while undergoing chemotherapy. It’s also effective for pain management. Looking to the future, research indicates that THC and CBD may slow the growth of – and even kill some – cancer cells.

Glaucoma And Cannabis

One of the earliest conditions successfully treated with medical marijuana is glaucoma, which if left untreated can lead to blindness. Research dating back to the 70s shows that medical marijuana can reduce intraocular pressure, a key contributor to the disease.

Medical Marijuana For HIV / AIDS

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV, kills white blood cells leading to a severely compromised immune system. HIV patients frequently suffer from wasting syndrome causing them to feel weak and experience loss of appetite. Medical marijuana can be effective in stimulating appetite, which helps patients restore weight and maintain essential nutrients.

PTS / PTSD And Medical Marijuana

Recently, PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) has been shown to respond favorably to medical marijuana treatment. Studies indicate that medical cannabis can be more effective in relieving severe stress than antidepressants and other pharmaceuticals.

Medical Marijuana For Crohn’s Disease

If you’ve ever known someone with Crohn’s Disease, you understand the intense discomfort it causes. Inflammation in the digestive tract that is associated with Crohn’s is accompanied by acute diarrhea, fatigue, nausea, and weight loss. Medical marijuana appears to ease these symptoms and eliminate reliance on other pharmaceutical treatments.

At Nature’s Medicines, our staff is well informed about the therapeutic value of medical cannabis. Ask them for advice and learn from their recommendations.

What Is The Endocannabinoid System?
What Is The Endocannabinoid System?

Scientists have been researching the effects of marijuana for decades. Fortunately, their experiments led them to discover THC, the active ingredient in marijuana. At the same time they learned how THC works in the brain. It all has to do with the new system the scientists identified – the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Named after the plant Cannabis Sativa – ECS is the extraordinary communications system in our bodies and brains that influences how we feel, think, move, and react.

Without the endocannabinoid system, the benefits of medical marijuana would be lost on us. But ECS doesn’t exist just to allow us to get high. It’s critical in regulating our health, well-being and general homeostasis – basically every aspect of our body’s natural state of balance and equilibrium.

Parts Of The Endocannabinoid System

The endocannabinoid system has three components:

  • Endocannabinoids produced by all mammals to activate their cannabinoid receptors
  • Cannabinoid receptors found on the surface of cells
  • Metabolic enzymes that break down endocannabinoids after they’re used

As more studies on the ECS are conducted, researchers are finding that it may play an important role in diseases like cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

ECS Deficiency Syndrome

We know that a properly functioning ECS helps us maintain homeostasis. But what happens if the endocannabinoid system isn’t supplemented with medical marijuana, or if the body isn’t in natural homeostasis?

Some scientists believe that ECS deficiency contributes to painful ailments like Irregular Bowel Syndrome (IBS), migraines, and fibromyalgia. This line of thought has led to advanced research involving supplementing the body with plants containing cannabinoids. That, of course, includes medical marijuana.

Endocannabinoid System Supplements

Medical marijuana isn’t the only compound that can help boost the endocannabinoid system. Extended periods of exercise contribute to the increase of anandamide, known as the “feel good” endocannabinoid.

From a nutritional standpoint, Omega-3s in our diet help support the signalling of the brain from the endocannabinoid system. Foods high in Omega-3s include fish, seeds, soybeans, certain oils and nuts.

Talk to the Personal Service Providers at Nature’s Medicines to gain a better understanding of how your endocannabinoid system works. By tapping into their knowledge you’ll be able to enjoy the greatest benefits from your medical marijuana experience.